Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Julie Nauman, VCGCB Executive Officer, Discusses This Year's Suited for Success Clothing Drive

Julie Nauman, Executive Officer for the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board (VCGCB), contributed a column on the CalVCP Blog in which she describes the success of this year's Suited for Success Clothing Drive and what it meant to partner with the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence for Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2012.

"Yesterday I was honored to participate in a press conference for the 2nd Annual CalVCP Suited for Success Program where we presented three very deserving organizations with nearly 2,000 clothing items. The Suited for Success Program was a great success and we are proud of all of the donations that were made. Suited for Success is an incredible program run by our friends at WEAVE to provide interview-quality professional and business casual clothing to victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault in the greater Sacramento area.

This year, we were thrilled to partner with the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence and expand the potential for collection. With their assistance we were able to place collection bins in several State agencies and departments, including the Governor’s Office. We also had a helping hand from many Legislative offices and from our friends at Chicory Coffee and Tea on L Street."

Read more on the Official CalVCP Blog. 


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